Municipal waste disposal companies

regryd | Anwendungsszenario | Energieversorgungsunternehmen
regryd | Anwendungsszenario | Energieversorgungsunternehmen

regryd is a crucial step on the road towards climate-neutral municipalities. With regryd, unavoidable waste heat can be channelled into the storage system and then made available when needed.

Municipal waste disposal companies

Municipalities are actively committed to protecting the climate. This involves cutting their own energy needs by implementing energy management systems in public buildings, reducing energy consumption in wastewater treatment and utilising the waste heat from thermal waste treatment. However, whether a municipality is able to achieve full emissions neutrality depends on its economic links. It is not possible to entirely eliminate emissions from agriculture, wastewater treatment and industry.

Municipal waste disposal companies generate waste heat through thermal waste and sewage sludge treatment. When combined with regryd energy storage systems, unavoidable waste heat can be channelled into the storage system and then made available when needed. This enables municipal authorities to implement energy efficiency measures and work towards climate neutrality.

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