By introducing innovative storage technologies like regryd, the metal processing industry can cut its CO₂ emissions while also storing and reconverting unavoidable waste heat.
Metal processing industry
The German industrial sector has the target of achieving climate neutrality by 2045. Around 24% of all greenhouse gas emissions in Germany can be attributed to the industrial sector. After the energy sector, the industrial sector is the country’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. At the same time, the industrial sector is vital to the German economy.
The majority of process-related emissions are generated in the production of primary materials for metals and the manufacture of iron, steel and aluminium. Products, production processes and transformation pathways will undergo fundamental changes on Germany’s journey to becoming a climate-neutral industrial location. This means restructuring process chains and converting production facilities.
By introducing innovative storage technologies like regryd, the metal processing industry can cut its CO₂ emissions while also storing and reconverting unavoidable waste heat. regryd can be combined with concentrating solar-thermal power systems and power-to-heat systems to make a significant contribution to industrial energy supply portfolios. Systems can be precisely configured to deliver the precise temperatures required.
Application scenario + Dimension
regryd can be placed above or below ground as a systemic storage solution and is scalable for all application scenarios. Our environmental and energy experts will work with you to plan and calculate the solution that is right for your application.
[5] Industry with process/waste heat
Aluminium or steel industry
Dimension regryd
— Diameter / height: 10 m
— Volume: 785 m³
— Storage capacity: 200 MWh (Charging with process-related exhaust gas temperatures of 500 °C, which are fed back into the process with a time delay)
This amount of heat can preheat 2,700 t of steel to a temperature of 450 °C.